blue angel Komentar diterima (4)

ditulis olehKomentar

itu 7 november 2021
/\.../\ *stunning!*
=‘•.•’= *fantastic!*
.♥**♥ *beautiful!*

itu 26 oktober 2021
Hi, dear!
THANK YOU so much for this beautiful Angel in blue! I love it!
With all the best wishes for you and all family!
╚╗║║║╠╝╠╝║♥╠╣║║║╗ >:D< >:D< >:D<
╚╝╚╩╝╚╝╚╝║♥║║╚╝╚╝ from your Tzetze

itu 8 oktober 2021
ma pauvre on t'a mis méchantes notes X( pourtant il est très joli ton manga bleu >:D< >:D< >:D< :x :x-

itu 27 september 2021
______ |\__ _. |\
_______ |)\__ _|)\ HOLA AMIG@
_______ |)_\_.. |)_\ pasando x tu casita y
_______ |)__\.. |)__\ Deseandote muy
___ (\’/ )_|)___\|)___\ buenas tardes
__("(‘o’)”)|)____\____\ genial tu creacion
__(")(")_|)_____\____\_____,5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
\____________________ _/ Muchas bendiciones
_\____________________/ Besitos 💋